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Crocodile Pattern Cover For Macbook

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Product Description

• Stylish and sleek hard case designed for the Apple the New Macbook . It is made with tough polycarbonate material. Easy snap-on installation. No tools and fuss to put on and remove. Ideal for Road Warriors and Super light-weight full protection solution for the exquisite finish of the Apple Macbook 

• Colorful case perfectly matches the sleek, lightweight design of your MacBook. This super-slim glossy hard case is precision-engineered for a perfect fit. Protect your notebook with a durable rubberized plastic cover specially designed to fit the Apple MacBook. Simply snap your computer into this two-piece hard shell and you'll never have to worry about dirt, scratches, or smudges damaging your expensive laptop. 

For : 

Macbook Air 11"

Macbook Air 12"

Macbook Air 13" 

Macbook Pro 13"

Macbook Pro Retina 13"

Macbook Pro 15"

Macbook Pro Retina 15"

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